At 5:15, I awoke to the distinct sound of the BlackBerry vibrating on the bedside table...Mr. Sunnymead picked it up and I could hear the faint sounds of the recording on the other end of the phone...SNOW DAY!
For the kids that is. Us grown-ups still had to work today, but before I got started that alter ego of mine gave me a nudge. Seize the moment, said Mrs. Sunnymead. Head outside! Breathe in the cold air! Navigate the snow mountains on every corner! Take in the beauty of Central Park before thousands of NYC school children trample it!
So, out I headed at 8:15, with my youngest in tow. We caught the hardware store manager just as he was opening the shop, and luckily walked out with two of the last Flexible Flyers in the store. Mrs. Sunnymead was clucking with pride, thinking folksy thoughts like "the early bird gets the worm!"
I can't say there wasn't a little un-Sunnymead-ness in me on the walk to the park, "If I knew you were going to whine so much, I wouldn't have invited you," but once we got to the park, it was all worth it.
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